“I envision a new computer world, a world that works on Artificial Intelligence principles that are sound and not the AI flavor of the month, that delivers just in time video to anyone who is trying to do anything because the computer is smart enough to know what you need to hear when, just like a good teacher would do or a good parent would do.” - Roger Schank
(When there is an iframe above with a paragraph of text, this button appears and is linked to the next paragraph to be inserted in the iframe for the text-based conversational reader. A story is a single-pointed unit of discourse.)
(this button appears when the iframe above contains a paragraph of text. It's basically a tree showing the nodes of the hyperbook)
Mentored Experiential Learning
NB: NOT to be an uncategorized list of FAQ's!!
Questions should only be relevant to the expert or paragraph of text in the iframe above the questions!
For hyperbook text paragraphs, the questions should be in one of the 8 specific index categories to facilitate fast discovery)
Questions for the Expert
Who is this expert?
What is this expert's relevant life or work experience?
If the number of questions for an expert is less than a dozen, the categorization of questions is not necessary but informative category headings such as "Biographical Details" etc. do facilitate quick discovery
One of the purposes of the categorization of the question-based indexing of videos longer than 5 minutes is to make the content as transparent and accessible as possible without necessarily stating the answer to the questions.
What is Mentored Experiential Learning?
What is a Story-centered curriculum?
What is a goal-based scenario?
Give Me examples!
What is the Virtual International Science and Technology Academy?
What is the LaSalle online experiential MBA?
What is The Apprentice television show?
Kidzania Global Overview (https://youtu.be/YL_kVjIUjco)
Child Health Educator (https://youtu.be/oe6ql8nEp3c)
Butterflies Children's Media Center (https://youtu.be/F8ynxshOCWw)
Children's Development Khazana (Bank or Treasury) (https://youtu.be/hFAEQud89DE)
Want to get great at something? Get a coach! Atul Gawande's TedTalk speech (https://www.ted.com/talks/atul_gawande_want_to_get_great_at_something_get_a_coach?language=en)
What is the Engines for Education Hyperbook?
What is an ASK hypermedia system?
Show me a short video clip demonstrating the Charles Darwin (human actor-based) Synthetic Interview App (https://youtu.be/igRTH-0qpmk)
Show me a short video clip demonstrating the Charles Darwin (A.I. generated video avatar) Synthetic Interview App (https://www.thepartnershipineducation.com/resources/charles-darwin-synthethic-interview)
Show me a video demonstrating the Shoah Foundation's "Dimensions in Testimony" verbal and text interactive holograms of holocaust victims (https://youtu.be/w83pe-0noUU) (https://sfi.usc.edu/dit)
Mu Lambda 165 from the Starlost television series of the late 1970's (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VEaU4G_e7k)
Create conversational search agents including simple NER agents (use of OpenAI chatGPT allowed, however, the appearance of any factual errors at any time will result in a project evaluation assignment of 0!
chatGPT factual errors and "hallucinations" will not be tolerated!
Roger Schank on curriculum development (https://youtu.be/B-iNDS4AoUE)
Big Industrial Simulators in Finland (https://youtu.be/S0zMip62o5E)
Who will save your life on Mars? First Responders in Space https://youtu.be/wcrwk1GCVJk?si=yKyp6p8U3cyANnxt
Exploring Mars in Utah (https://youtu.be/lndydOMuS8A)
My Space Story: Alyssa Carson (https://youtu.be/L-K8UB46Dlk)
Cern Beamline for Schools (https://beamlineforschools.cern/)
SAIT Summer Camps (https://youtu.be/PqiAm6KcaYs)
SAIT Summer Camps for Girls (https://youtu.be/q4c9m_yBSfo)
Skills Canada National Competition 2017 (3 mins.) (https://youtu.be/ZbTJUM78L08)
Old Enough! Japanese television series featuring 2-4 year old toddlers running errands (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1289730/)
9 year-old librarian in Bhopal, India (https://youtu.be/_icC6EHpIYM)